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SpaceKIM is North Korean Space Project that will inevitably change the world beyond recognition and lay a foundation for further space exploration. SpaceKIM Lunar mission is the first milestone of its kind in North Korean cosmic crusade. Even though they have the greatest minds of scientists and engineers and abundant workpower of devoted and industrious Korean people at their disposal, they still need а substantial financial support in order to construct and launch Pulgasari-1 and keep the SpaceKIM Project afloat. Pulgasari-1 is a jewel in the crown of North Korean space engineering that is destined to become the first human-carrying spaceship in the nation’s history. Pulgasari-1 is a fully reusable thermonuclear powered heavy-lift[ launch vehicle designed and constructed specially for ultrafast and supercomfortable round trip lunar missions that makes it like Uber for space trips, for more details visit https://spacekim.io They are going to issue a total number of 37.9 million tokens which is equal to the total surface of the moon in square kilometers. As the result of the campaign an exclusive mobile app will be developed where all KIM token owners will be able to take part in In-App polls to influence key SpaceKIM decisions and claim their moon land ownership at a rate of 1 KIM token to 1 km2 КIМ is an ERC-20 token. AII КIМ tokens will Ье issued Ьу the Central Cryptobank of the Democratic People’s RepuЬlic of Когеа in exchange for ETH(Ethereum) , BTC(Bitcoin), BCH(Bitcoin Cash) ог LTC(Litecoin) during SpaceКIM crowdsale. A part from being the first and the only cryptocurrency officially recognized Ьу North Когеа, КIМ tokens also serve as vouchers of moon land ownership (1 КIМ token = 1km2 of moon land). КIМ tokens will Ье issued during the crowdsale period only and never after the end of the crowdsale. In 2018 we are going to release an official SpaceKIM mobile app on both Android and IOS. The app platform will include In-App voting platform and, most importantly, moon land distribution system SpaceKIM team has developed а variety of bounties for their most loyal and devoted supporters. These bounties include social media bounties, translation bounties, Ыоg, podcast and video bounties, and BitcoinTalk.org signature bounties. Of the total 37 900 ООО К1 М tokens, 10% will Ье used for bounty (5% for Bounty 1 and 5% for Bounty 2) So, а total of 3 790 ООО KIM tokens will Ье used for bounty. AII SpaceКIM bounty payments will Ье made after the end of the SpaceКIM token crowdsale. Detailed bounty program саn bе found here: https://medium.com/@SpaceKim/spacekim-bounty-campaign-b3fc0a7dfddc
SpaceSIM token information
Name of the token: KIM
Issuance of KIM Tokens: 37 900 000
Token Exchange rate: 10 000 KIM = 1 ETH
Minimum transaction amount: 1 KIM
Bounty 1: 1 895 000 Tokens (5% of issuance)
Bounty 2: 1 895 000 Tokens (5% of issuance)
Pre-ICO Dates:
8th — 15th January 2018
Bonuses: in the pre-ico the participants will get a 50% tokens as a bonus
Tokens distributed through pre-ICO:7580 00
ICO Tier 1 Dates:
15th January -7th February 2018
Tokens distributed through ICO Tier 1:13 265 000
ICO Tier 2 Dates:
9 February -25 February 2018 12.00 UTC
Tokens distributed through ICO Tier 2:5 685 000
White paper: https://spacekim.io/whitepaper.pdf
Website: https://spacekim.io
Author. . . . PRINOX2
Twitter. . . . https://twitter.com/Prinox2
Facebook. . . https://www.facebook.com/Prinox1
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1318207
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